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Tester Communication Templates

Here's a list of email templates which will help you communicate with your testers throughout the tester onboarding process.

Updated over 8 months ago


  • Tester Enrollment Form Link:

  • Tester enrollment is:

    • Required/Requested (Subject line)

    • required/requested (body)

  • Participation will begin: Start Date

  • If there is a cost for testers to submit tests:

    • Cost per test: Number (#) Dollars

    • Start Date of Charge: Start Date of Charge

  • Production Site URL (to be filled out upon go-live)

Announcement Email (Prior to System Launch)


Participation Required/Requested: City Online Backflow Test Submission

City is pleased to announce a new program which allows you to submit backflow test reports online.

Participation will be Required/Requested from Start Date.

To enroll, navigate to:

From this enrollment page you may:

  • Request an Admin account

  • Request individual Tester accounts

  • Submit your Testing Certification and Test Kit Information (Please note these are required to sign up)

  • View Frequently Asked Questions

*If Applicable*

There will be a Number (#) Dollars charge to submit tests through the SwiftComply portal starting Start Date of Charge. This charge will only be applicable for passing tests; failed tests are not charged.

Our goals with implementing this software include improved compliance, an increase in on-time backflow tests, and reduced administrative burden.

Thank you,

<City Signature Line>

Reminder Email (To remind Testers to Enroll)

Subject: Required/Requested: Please Submit Backflow Test Results to City Online

This is a reminder that City has launched a new program, SwiftComply, which allows you to submit backflow test reports online.

Participation is required/requested from Start Date, and backflow test results will no longer be accepted through email, fax, or mail.

To enroll, navigate to:

From this enrollment page you may:

  • Request an Admin Style Account

  • Request individual Tester accounts

  • Submit your Testing Certification and Test Kit Information (Please note these are required to sign up)

  • View Frequently Asked Questions

*If Applicable*

There will be a Number (#) Dollars charge to submit tests through the SwiftComply portal starting Start Date of Charge. This charge will only be applicable for passing tests; failed tests are not charged.

Our goals with implementing this software include improved compliance, an increase in on-time backflow tests, and reduced administrative burden.

Thank you,

<City Signature Line>

Welcome Email (Tester in the System)

Subject: Welcome to SwiftComply!

Hi there,

Welcome to SwiftComply!

We have created a SwiftComply account for you and all you will need to do is set your password.

Before logging into SwiftComply, we suggest adding the email to your email provider address book. This helps ensure that future account emails won't end up being marked as spam.

To set your password for your account, go to Production Site URL, then click “Forgot your password?”. Enter your email address and click “Send”. You will receive an email allowing you to set your password.

For more details on this process check out our Tester Login Tutorial in our SwiftComply Knowledge Base.

The Knowledge base also has walkthroughs for:

It’s a great resource to give you an overview of the general navigation of SwiftComply.

If you have any other users that need to be added, they can sign up via the city Tester Registration Site . Please note that any tester that would like to enroll will need a unique email address, an updated certification and test kit information to request an account.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for on the knowledge base, or have any questions, SwiftComply’s Customer Success team is always willing to help.

You can reach out to us at help@swiftcomply.comor (619) 304-6022.

Thank you,

City Signature Line

Response Email

(Sent by City in Response to Receiving an Emailed or Paper Test Report)

Subject: Participation Required/Requested: City Online Backflow Test Submission


Thank you for submitting a test report to City. We are no longer accepting paper or emailed test reports. We have migrated to a new system for digital test report entry called SwiftComply, and will only be accepting test reports submitted through the new software.

Please navigate to and fill out the required fields to have

an account created for you. You will receive an email with instructions to access your account within one business day.

Any testers or admins needing an account will need to fill out the form linked above to have an account created for them.

*If Applicable*

There will be a Number (#) Dollars charge to submit tests through the SwiftComply portal. This charge will only be applicable for passing tests; failed tests are not charged.

If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to SwiftComply Support: or 619-304-6022.

Thank you,

City Signature Line

Tester Payment Announcement Email

(Sent if City is beginning payment after testers have already been submitting reports)

Subject: Tester Payment Announcement

Dear Tester,

As of Start Date of Charge there will be a charge of Number (#) Dollars to submit tests through the SwiftComply portal. This fee will support ongoing Backflow program costs for City.

Please note that a test report is not considered “Submitted” to the City until payment has been made. Tests that are in the “Pending Payment” status will not be reviewed by the City.

This charge will only be applicable for passing tests. Failed tests are not charged.

For more details on this process check out our Payment Processing video in our SwiftComply Knowledge Base.

If you need any assistance with the SwiftComply portal please contact or call (619) 304-6022.

Thank you!


If you have questions:

Please reach out to SwiftComply Tester Support at


Thank you,

City Signature Line

Tester Info Gathering Email - To be sent to SPs if no TRS

Subject: Required: Please Submit Tester Information to City Online

Hi there,

This is a notification that City has launched a new program, SwiftComply, which allows us to log backflow test reports online.

For your company and it's testers to continue completing tests for the City, please send me the following information for each of your testers::

  • First Name:

  • Last Name:

  • Testing Certification

  • Test Kit Information:

  • Service Provider Name:

  • Unique Email Address:

We're working towards an online tester portal where testers will submit completed tests online through the SwiftComply Software. Please keep an eye on your inbox in the upcoming months for more information about this transition.

Thank you,

<City Signature Line>

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