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Adding a Service Provider User (Tester/Admin)
Adding a Service Provider User (Tester/Admin)

A complete walkthrough of creating Service Provider user accounts, including Testers and their Admins

Updated over a week ago

Access: Backflow Regulators

Overview: This walkthrough includes best practices for creating and approving all Service Provider user accounts in SwiftComply Backflow.


Tester Registration Site (TRS) Export

If you have access to a TRS site export, you will receive an email with an attachment that includes form submissions from the previous day. This is the data you will need to reference when adding in the new Service Provider User.

Name of Field


Where Does it Live in SwiftComply?

First Submitted On

The date that the entry was submitted


User Type

This will designate if the user is a Tester or an Admin.

The user record

First Name

The user's first name

The user record

Last Name

The user's last name

The user record


The user's email address. This is what will be used when they log in. Each user (test or admin) will need their own unique email address.

The user record


The user's phone number.

The user record

Company Name

The name of the service provider company that the user works for

The service provider record

(will also help link to the user to the correct service provider)

Company Address Line 1

The address of the service provider company

The service provider record

Company Address Line 2

Additional details of the service provider company (suite #, etc)

The service provider record

City, State, Zip Code

Remaining address details of the service provider company

The service provider record

Other Associated Companies

Any additional service provider companies the user may be associated with

The user will need to be added to each service provider company. If these aren't already listed in the system, you may need to reach out to the user for more details.

Certification #

The number of the tester's certification

The user record, only if the user is a tester

Certification Expiration

The date that the tester's certification expires

The user record, only if the user is a tester


The issuer of the certification

The user record, only if the user is a tester

Certification Image

The link to the image of the actual certification

The user record, only if the user is a tester

If you have any questions about the TRS export, feel free to reach out to your account manager, or our suppor team at

Searching for/Adding a Service Provider Company

Before adding any users to the system, the first step is make sure a Service Provider company record has been created for the user's testing company.

From this record, you'll be able to add and assosciate specific users (testers and their admins) to their appropriate business.

Note: Every user in SwiftComply Backflow must be associated with at least one Service Provider company record.

To start, navigate to the Service Provider tab on your navigation panel. Before adding a new record, search for the company name of the tester you'd like to add.

Hot Tip: When searching, remember that less is more. Try searching the first 3 characters to see if a match comes up. Note that there may be variences in the data that's in the system and the data that has come through from a tester. Some examples are - JD vs J.D., First vs. 1st, Smith and Jones vs. Smith & Jones, etc. These little variances can prevent our smart search from picking up the record, making it seem like the record doesn't exist. If the duplicate doesn't get caught there, the system will likely catch it once you try to save the record.

If you find the record during your search

If you're able to find the matching Service Provider record during your search, click to open the record.

Review the data in the Details tab and make sure it matches the information that was submitted to you in the TRS form. You can edit these details as you see fit by clicking the green Pencil icon in the upper right of the record, making the necessary changes, then clicking Save.

Next, while still in the Service Provider record, click the Users tab.

This tab will give you a list of users, both Testers and Admins, associated with this Service Provider company.

Review this list to see if any of the current users match the user information provided to you in the TRS form.

If you see a matching user

If there's a user record that seems to match the details in your TRS form, click on the user's record to see more information and compare these details to what was received in the form.

Review the Details tab and confirm-

  • Does the name match?

  • Does the email match? This is important! You may want to reach out and confirm which email they want to sign up with if these don't match. Check out our FAQ here to review next steps on changing the email.

  • Is their status "Approved"? If not, continue with this tutorial to learn what to do next.

  • Is the check box "Allow Login Access" checked?

If any of the details, other than their email, need to be updated, the tester will need to log into their account and update accordingly. Here's a tutorial on how they can do that.

If the user you're reviewing is an admin for this company, you can stop here.

If they're a tester, you'll want to make sure they have valid testing certification in the system.

Navigate to the Certifications tab.

Review the certifications listed in the Certifications tab. Check to see if any match the one that was submitted.

If there is a matching certification, make sure the expiration date is updated and that it's listed as Valid in the system.

If you need to adjust any details, you can do so by click the green Pencil icon in the upper right corner of the certification. Once clicked, edit any details necessary, then click Update.

If there is no matching certification on file, click here for a walkthrough on how to add one.

If you don't see a matching user

If there's not a user listed that matches the one submitted in the form, you'll need to add a new user to the company record.

While still in the Users tab within the Service Provider Record, scroll down and click the green Add User button.

A window will pop up and allow you to search for a user that's already in the system.

Try searching the email address, and then the user name seperately to see if any matching users appear.

If a match is found, click on the record and then click Add. This will associate that user to this Service Provider.

If you're unable to find a match, follow the instructions here.

If you don't find the record during your search

If you've exhausted your search and you still can't find a record that matches what was submitted to the TRS, it's time to create a new Service Provider record.

From within the Service Providers tab, click the green Add Service Provider button at the top right of the screen. This will open a new window.

Fill in the details of the Service Provider company.

Note: All fields with an asterisk (*) are required. Any other details are at your discretion.

Scroll down and click the green Save button to save the record.

Continue with this tutorial to complete the record.

Adding a Tester/Admin User

For both of the tutorials below, we assume that the Service Provider company record is already in the system, and that you've already completed your search and found that the user is not already in the system.

Adding a User from within the Service Provider Record (Best Practice)

From the Users tab within the Service Provider record, scroll down and click the green Add User button.

A user window will open. Scroll all the way down and click the blue text that says Can't find a user? Create one here.

A New User window will open and allow you to enter details for this tester or admin.

Note that the First Name, Last Name, and Email address is required. The User Type should already be populated to be "Service Provider", and the Service Provider should already be selected.

If you want this user to log into SwiftComply, make sure the Allow Login Access check box is checked.

Optional: Select applicable Auto-Accept settings. If you'd like more information on Auto-Accept, click here.

Click Save

Adding a User from the Users Tab

Open the Users tab on the left navigation panel.

Click the green Add User button at the top right of the screen. This will open a new user window.

Enter in the details for ther user, noting that the fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

Note: Make sure the User Type is Service Provider.

Click the grey Choose Service Provider button. This will open the Service Provider list.

Search the name of the Service Provider company in the Name field and click the green Magnifying Glass, or press Enter on your keyboard.

Once you find the Service Provider, click it to highlight the record, then click the green Add button. The Service Provider will be linked to the user.

If this person will be logging into SwiftComply, confirm that the Allow Login Access checkbox is checked.

Optional: Select applicable Auto-Accept settings. If you'd like more information on Auto-Accept, click here.

Click the green Save button to save the record.

Adding/Updating a Tester Certification

The Tester Certification lives within Tester's user record There's two ways you can access this record within SwiftComply.

Adding/Updating a Certification through the Service Provider Record (Best Practice)

From the Users tab within the Service Provider record, scroll through the list of users to find the user you need to update.

Click the user record to open the details about that user.

Click the Certifications tab.

If there's a matching certification listed, review the details and make sure it matches the information you've received. If you need to edit any information, click the green Pencil icon, make the necessary edits, then click Update.

If there's no matching certification listed, click the grey Add Certification button.

Fill out all of the details and attach an image of the certification, then click the green Save button.

Adding/Updating a Certification through the Users Tab

Navigate to the Users tab on the left main navigation panel.

Click the drop-down to the left of the search bar and select Service Provider Users. This will allow you to search for specifically service provider users within SwiftComply.

In the search bar, search for the name of the tester you're trying to update.

Click the tester's record to open their details.

Click the Certifications tab.

If there's a matching certification listed, review the details and make sure it matches the information you've received. If you need to edit any information, click the green Pencil icon, make the necessary edits, then click Update.

If there's no matching certification listed, click the grey Add Certification button.

Fill out all of the details and attach an image of the certification, then click the green Save button.

Now that the certification has been added, you'll want to approve the tester as a user. See how to do that,here.

Approving an Admin/Tester User

Once the Service Provider User record has been created and their certification (if applicable) has been added to the system, it's time to approve them as a user.

While a user can still log into SwiftComply with a pending approval, they will not be able to submit a backflow test report until their user account has been approved by you.

From within the Service Provider Record, access the Users tab.

In the Users tab, you'll see that the current status of the user is Pending.

Click the User's record to open the details page.

Scroll down and click the green Approve Until Specific Date button.

If the user is a Tester, add the expiration date of their certification into the field, and click Approve.

If the user is an Admin, you can use your discretion on how long you'd like them approved for. We often choose 10 years from today's date. Then click Approve.

Now that the user is approved, you'll notice their status will change from Pending to Approved.

Now that the user is approved, your next step is to add your Test Kit & Calibration.

Adding a Test Kit/Calibration

While still in the Service Provider record, navigate to the Test Kits tab.

This tab will show a list of test kits currently linked to the Service Provider company.

Review this list and confirm that the test kit details you received in the TRS form don't match any of the the records already in the system.

If there's a matching record

If there is a match, click the record to open it. Review the Details tab and click the green Pencil icon to edit the details accordingly, then click Save to save your changes.

Navigate to the Calibrations tab.

If there's aleady a calibration listed, review the details and confirm that it's Valid.

I there's no calibration listed or if the calibration listed is Expired/Invalid, click the green Add Calibration button.

Add the Calibration Date, select a Reporter, and attach the picture/file of the test kit calibration document.

Click Save to save the details.

If there's not a matching record

If no matching records are listed, scroll down and click the green Add Test Kit button.

Add the test kit details including the Serial Number, Make, Model, and any other optional fields applicable and click Save.

Navigate to the Calibrations tab.

Click the green Add Calibration button.

Add the Calibration Date, select a Reporter, and attach the picture/file of the test kit calibration document. Click Save to save the details.

Now that a test kit/calibration has been added/updated, you'll want to approve the test kit calibration.

Approving a Test Kit/Calibration

From within the Test Kit record, navigate to the Calibrations tab.

Click the green Accept button below the calibration record.

The status of the calibration will change from Pending, to Valid.


What's the difference between a Tester account and an Admin account?

Currently, there is no major difference between an Admin and a Tester user.

If someone is designated an Admin, they don't have any additional rights or access within SwiftComply.

The goal of the Admin user is to be able to add & update test kits, and to submit test reports on behalf of backflow testers that work at the same company. These users do not need a certification listed in their user profile. They also typically have a longer approval date.

Note: Admins can not update tester certifications. Each tester needs to log into their own user account to update their certification or any other details within their user profile.

A tester has the ability to add/update test kits, submit test reports, as well as update their own user profile details (certification, name, etc). These user accounts have an Approval date that revolves around their certification expiration.

What if the tester is registered under a different email address?

If you find a user is registered under a different email address than what's listed in their TRS registration:

1) Reach out to the user and confirm which email they want to log into SwiftComply with.

2) If they want to change their email to the one in the TRS form, reach out to our support team at and include the following:

  • Your organization name

  • Service Provider Company Name

  • Tester/Admin Name

  • Original Email in SwiftComply

  • New Email Address

Our team will update the record and confirm once complete.

Can a tester/admin be associated with multiple Service Provider companies?

Yes! First add the tester as a user to one of the Service Provider companies they're associated with.

Then, open the next Service Provider record and navigate to the Users tab.

Click the green Add User button and search for the user in the pop up window. Click the user record and select Add.

The user will appear in the Users list in each Service Provider you associate them with.

When the tester is logged into SwiftComply, they will be able to see each Service Provider company they're associated with.

When submitted a test report, they'll also choose the appropriate company from the Service Provider list.

What if the tester works for himself as a contractor?

No problem! Just make sure you create a Service Provider record with the tester's details. The Service Provider name is often the name of the tester. All other functionality and best practices will stay the same.

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