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Managing Enforcements
Updated over 4 months ago

Access: City Regulators (Admin Only for Reopening an Enforcement)

Overview: How to issue, update, sort and filter enforcements.

Enforcement types can be added in Settings, where you can also edit your enforcement template and layout. Check out the knowledge base article Enforcements for help with this.


Issuing an Enforcement

To issue an enforcement, first find the establishment that is being issued an enforcement and select the 'New enforcement' tab on their page. Fill out the required information. The ‘Actions Due Date’ refers to the timeframe you want to set for the establishment to complete the required actions. Once finished, select Save if you want to come back and finish the enforcement later, or Issue to issue the enforcement to the establishment.


Once issued, the enforcement will be available to the establishment through their business profile.

You can now view what stage of the process your enforcement is in with smart status updates:

In Progress

The enforcement has been saved but not issued.


The enforcement has been issued and today's date is before the actions due date.

Past Due

The enforcement has been issued and today's date is after the actions due date.


The enforcement has been manually resolved.

Emailing or Printing an Enforcement

Enforcements can be emailed to any contact within the SwiftComply database and they can also be downloaded or printed as PDFs.

To print or email an enforcement from an establishment's profile, click the Enforcements tab in the establishment's activity feed and click the blue enforcement name. Select the small grey printer or email icon from the issued enforcement view.


To print or email an enforcement from the 'Enforcements' tab, click the blue enforcement number. Select the small grey printer or email icon from the issued enforcement view.

To email an enforcement by selecting the mail icon, a modal will pop up to select contacts. This defaults to all contacts on the account, and these may be deleted by pressing the backspace or delete key, or new contacts may be added by typing their name and selecting the correct contact. Once you've chosen the contacts you'd like to send the enforcement to, click Send.

Sorting Enforcements

Select the 'Enforcements’ tab from the navigation bar to view a list of all enforcements.

Search by establishment name and hit Enter, or select an enforcement from the list.

The list of enforcements can be sorted by reference number, establishment, enforcement type, actions due date and status by clicking on the column headings.


Filtering Enforcements

Select the 'Enforcements’ tab from the navigation bar. Click the funnel icon to open the filter menu, where you can filter by establishment name, enforcement type, status, issued date, actions date or any custom properties you have.



Free text cell, type all or part of the establishment name

Enforcement Type

Dropdown select cell for you to choose the type of enforcement you are searching for.


Dropdown select cell where you can filter by In progress, Issued, Past due, or Resolved enforcements.

Issued Date

Select the time period you want to view enforcements for.

Actions Due Date

Select the time period you want to view enforcement actions for.

To filter by a custom establishment property, select Add custom filter > Add filter by establishment property. Select the establishment property you wish to filter by from the pop-up menu.

Enforcements can also by filtered by questions within the enforcement template for the following types of questions by clicking Add Custom Filter > Add filter by template question:

  • Short Answer

  • Number

  • Multiple Choice (only one response at a time)

  • Checkboxes

  • Paragraph

  • Dropdown

  • Date (single date only)


You will then see the filter listed at the bottom of the search form. Apply any other filters you wish and then select Apply.

Reopening an Enforcement

To reopen an issued enforcement you must be an Admin User. To open an enforcement, navigate to either the establishment that has been issued the enforcement, or to the 'Enforcements' tab from your SwiftComply dashboard.

If accessing the enforcement from the establishment, select Enforcements from the activities center and click the blue enforcement name.


If accessing the enforcement from the enforcements tab, select the Reference No. of the enforcement you're looking to open from the table to be taken directly to the enforcement.


Once viewing the enforcement, select Open from the bottom right hand corner to reopen the enforcement. A box will appear asking you to confirm. Once an enforcement has been reopened, click Save to come back to it later, or Issue to reissue the enforcement.


Resolving an Enforcement

To resolve an issued enforcement, navigate to either the establishment that has been issued the enforcement, or to the 'Enforcements' tab.

If accessing the enforcement from the establishment, select Enforcements from the activities center and click the blue enforcement name.


If accessing the enforcement from the enforcements tab, select the Reference No. of the enforcement you're looking to open from the table to be taken directly to the enforcement.


Once viewing the enforcement, select Resolve from the bottom right hand corner to resolve the enforcement. A box will appear asking you to record any record change notes. This section is optional, and purely informational for your system. Select Submit to record any notes, or Decline to not record notes, and the enforcement status will be updated to resolved.

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