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Updated over 4 months ago

Access: Admin Only

Overview: How to customize enforcements in Settings.


For help with issuing enforcements, check out the knowledge base article Managing Enforcements.

Enforcements can be customized, issued, emailed and downloaded as PDF files. As an admin user, you are able to format enforcement notices that are sent directly to establishments. The system allows you to create an enforcement template similarly to creating an inspection template, and you are able to add a header and footer to your enforcement.

To access these settings, click the cog icon in the top right to access Settings. From the menu on the left, select Enforcements.


There are three tabs in the enforcements section: 'Types', 'Template', and 'Layout'.

Enforcement Types

'Types' allows you to create and edit the type of enforcement that can be selected when creating an enforcement. This has likely already been created and may not need to be updated in your system. Please be aware that deleting existing enforcement types may affect past enforcements classified with those types.


To create an enforcement type, click the green Create enforcement type button. Name the type and click Save.


To edit or delete an enforcement type, click the blue name of the enforcement type, make your changes and click Save, or click Delete.


Enforcement Template

This is where you can configure the content of your system enforcements. At this time there can be only one enforcement template housed within your system.


The template comes with several default fields that cannot be edited:

Date Issued
Type of Enforcement
City User Comments
Corrective Actions Due Date
Below the default fields, you can create custom questions using the plus and minus buttons to create and remove questions. Questions without titles will not be saved when finished editing.


When creating a question for an enforcement, the user is able to create various question types:

Short Answer

A sentence or two response.


Can be multiple sentences in response.

Multiple Choice

Create the choices that the city user can select from. The user can only select one option.


Create the choices that the city user can select from. The user can select multiple options.


The user can only select one option from a dropdown menu.


Allows the user to select a date. Can be typed in or selected from a calendar.


Allows the user to enter a number. The system will note entries that are not a number.


Allows for a signature to be either typed or drawn. The signature will appear on the review of the enforcement, as well as any downloaded pdfs.

File Upload

This allows the user to upload a file. From a smartphone this link will open the phone camera.

Fixed Text

Type in an amount of fixed text you want to show up in the enforcement.

Simple Signature

Loads a picture of the user's signature, which is created in settings.


*Digital Signatures is currently in beta testing.

When you have finished updating your enforcement template, make sure to select Save.

Enforcement Layout

This tab allows you to create the layout of the enforcement that will be issued to establishments.


The 'Header' section allows you to include your city's logo or document header. To include an image, select the small paperclip icon.


The 'Footer' section leaves room for any information that should be included on the bottom of every document. Images included in either of these sections will be automatically centered, limited in height, and horizontally sized to maintain aspect ratio. You are able to include links in either of these sections. The word processing in this section works similarly to other word processing systems.


Select Preview to view the enforcement as it would be sent to an establishment. Select Save when finished.

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