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Date Search Filter Definitions
Updated over 12 months ago

Access: City Regulators

Overview: An explanation of date search filters across the system.


Context for Date Search Filters

We have updated date search filters across the different sections of the system. Below is an explanation of the context for each date search filter.

In the 'Establishments' section, you can filter by Date created, Inspected date range, and Last inspection date.


Date created

When the establishment was created

Inspected date range

When an inspection was performed

Last inspection date

When the last inspection was performed

In the 'Grease Control Devices', 'Contacts' and 'Providers' sections, you can filter by Date created.


GCD - Date created

When the GCD was created

Contacts - Date created

When the contact was created

Providers - Date created

When the service provider was created

In the 'Pump outs' and 'Yellow grease' sections, you can filter by Serviced on.


Pump outs - Serviced on

When the service was performed

Yellow grease - Serviced on

When the service was performed

In the 'Inspections' section, you can filter by Inspected date range and Scheduled date range.


Inspected date range

When the inspection was performed

Scheduled date range

When an inspection is scheduled for

In the 'Enforcements' section, you can filter by Issue Date and Actions Due Date.


Issued Date

When the enforcement was issued

Actions Due Date

When the action is due

Definitions of Date Parameters

Custom Date Properties can now be searched for in more detail. The knowledge base article Custom Date Filters explains how to use these filters and where to access them. The following table explains the parameters for each date range:


This Week, This Month, This Year

Using one of these filters will give you the results so far this week, month or year.
For example, if today is Wednesday and I use "This Week", the search will give me the results from the beginning of the week to Wednesday.

Last Week, Last Month, Last Year

This gives you the results for the last calendar week, month or year.
For example, this article was created in April 2020. If I select "Last Month", it will give me the results for all of March, and not include any of the current month. If I select "Last Year" it would give me the results for all of 2019.

# of Days, Weeks, Months,
​or Years in the Past

# of Days, Weeks, Months or Years in the past looks at the amount of time selected in the past, including today.

# of Days, Weeks, Months,
​or Years in the Future

# of Days, Weeks, Months or Years in the future looks at the amount of time selected in the future, including today.


Selecting "between" allows you to search within a date range between two different dates.

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