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Managing Grease Control Devices
Updated over 9 months ago

Access: City Regulators

Overview: How to add, edit, remove, link, and search for grease control devices (GCDs).


Video Overview

Adding a Grease Control Device

Grease control devices can be added from the 'Establishments' tab or the 'Grease control devices' tab.

To add a GCD directly to an establishment's profile, click the 'Establishments' tab and search for the establishment you want to add a GCD for.

Navigate down to the Grease control devices section on the left side of the establishment's profile and click Manage GCDs.


Complete the form and click Save.


The GCD will now be listed under the 'Grease control devices' section of that establishment.

Alternatively, to add a GCD in the 'GCDs' tab, select the green button labeled Add GCD. Complete the form and click Save.


To link this GCD to an establishment, on the GCD's profile navigate down to Establishments on the left-hand side. Click Manage establishments and search for the establishment you want to link the GCD to, then click Save. The GCD should now be linked to that establishment.


Note: Grease control device categories are customizable in settings - check out the knowledge base article Organization Defaults for help with this.

Grease Control Device Compliance

Establishment compliance status is calculated by Grease Control Device (GCD) compliance.

Establishments with more than one GCD have compliance calculated based on the least compliant GCD associated with that establishment. This means establishments that are sharing GCDs all update based on GCD compliance.

Definitions of the different GCD compliance statuses can be found below:

Never Pumped

No pump outs are associated with that GCD.


A pump out has been entered within the date range defined by the service frequency set at the GCD level.


A pump out is overdue by 1-13 days based on the service frequency set at the GCD level.

Non Compliant

A pump out is overdue by 14 or more days based on the frequency set at the GCD level.

Establishment compliance is now calculated by GCD compliance. Establishment service frequency is for record keeping only and does not determine compliance.

No Devices (New!)

No GCDs are attached to the establishment.

Never Pumped

All GCDs attached to the establishment are listed as "Never Pumped".


All GCDs attached to the establishment have a GCD pump out compliance status of "Compliant" OR one is "compliant" and the rest are "Never Pumped".


One or more GCDs are "Overdue" and the rest are "Compliant" or "Never Pumped".

Non Compliant

One or more GCDs are not compliant, and the rest are "Overdue, "Compliant", or "Never Pumped".

In the Establishment profile, the 'Pumped on' date will take the most recent pump out date for any GCD attached to that establishment. The 'Next pump out' date will take the next upcoming date for any GCD attached to the establishment. Be aware of this if an establishment has multiple GCDs with different frequencies.

Grease Control Device Notifications

Pump out reminder emails are based on Grease Control Device (GCD) frequency and GCD last pump out date.

You are able to toggle email notifications on and off for each GCD. This means that if a GCD is linked to multiple establishments, you can choose for one establishment to receive email notifications, all to receive notifications, or none.

You can also choose whether you'd like to send only upcoming pump out email notifications, only overdue pump out notifications, or both.

To customize these notification settings, on an establishment's profile in the 'Grease control devices' section, there are check boxes for notifications for each GCD. You can check or uncheck these boxes to customize the notification emails that will be sent out.


If you'd like to adjust the content or frequency of your pump out notifications, this can be done in Settings. Head to the article Notifications for more guidance on this.

Editing a Grease Control Device

To make changes to an existing GCD within an establishment's profile, click on the blue GCD label.


Alternatively, search for the GCD in the 'GCDs' section and click on the blue reference number or name of the GCD.


Once viewing the GCD profile, click Actions and select Edit. Edit the form accordingly, and click Save.


Navigate back to the establishment's page by clicking into the 'Establishments' box on the left-hand side and clicking the blue name of the desired establishment.


Deleting a Grease Control Device

To delete an existing GCD within an establishment's profile, click on the blue GCD label. Alternatively, located the GCD from the 'GCDs' section.

Once viewing the GCD profile, click Actions and select Mark as removed if you want to remove it from all establishments, or Delete if you want to delete it from the system.


Searching for a Grease Control Device

To search for or filter GCDs, first navigate to the 'GCDs' section.

To search directly for a GCD name, click into the search box, type the name and hit Enter.

To apply filters to the list, click the funnel icon to open the filter menu. Here, you can search by GCD name, establishment name, category, tags, compliance, condition, location (inside/outside), status (active/removed), date created and any custom properties you may have.


Default GCDs can now be created when adding a pump out, as outlined in the knowledge base article Managing Pump Outs. The goal of including default GCDs is to allow city regulators to search among these default devices and update the information as inspections begin taking place in person once again.

To obtain a list of the default GCDs that were created in the system, navigate to the 'Establishments' tab and select 'Grease Control Devices'.

Once viewing the list of grease control devices, in the 'Category' search field, select default from the dropdown menu. Hit Apply to generate the full list of system generated default GCDs.


Linking Existing Grease Control Devices

If a GCD already exists in the system, it can be linked to one or more establishments. In the GCD's profile, click Establishments, then Manage establishments. Enter in the name of the establishment you want to link the grease control device to, select it and then press Save.


Alternatively, under 'Establishments', find the establishment that you want to link the GCD to, navigate to the Grease control devices section on the left side of the establishment's profile and click Manage GCD. Scroll down to the bottom of the form and click β€˜Or select from existing GCD’. Here, type in the identifying name or number of the existing GCD until it populates below, select it and then click Save.

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