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Managing FSE Permits
Updated over 2 months ago

Access: City Regulators

Overview: The basics on creating, managing and searching for FSE permits.


Creating an FSE Permit

FSE permits can be added by clicking on the 'Permits' tab and selecting 'FSE permits'.

To add a permit, select the green Add FSE permit button.

Complete the form, which requires you to link the permit to an establishment in the 'Establishment' field, and click Save to add the permit.


To add a permit directly to an establishment's profile, click the 'Establishments' tab and search for the establishment you want to add a permit for.

Select the 'New permit' tab. Complete the details within the form and click Save.


Note: FSE Permit properties are customizable in settings - check out the knowledge base article Properties for help with this.

The layout of FSE permits is also customizable, outlined in the knowledge base article FSE Permits.

Editing an FSE Permit

FSE permits can be edited either by clicking on the 'Establishments' tab or the 'Permits' tab.

To edit a permit from the 'Permits' tab, search for and find the permit you want to edit.

Click on the blue Number of the permit, and select the green Edit button. Click Save when finished.


To edit a permit within an establishment's profile, click on the 'Establishments' tab and locate the establishment whose permit you want to edit.

Select the 'Permits' tab in the establishment's activity feed.

Click on the blue Number of the permit, and select the green Edit button. Click Save when finished.


Searching for and Filtering FSE Permits

See all permits by selecting ‘Permits' in the navigation bar and choosing 'FSE Permits'. Here, you can search for permits using default and custom filters.

Search by establishment name and hit Enter, or select a permit from the list.

The list of permits can be sorted by status, number, establishment, expiration date and creation date by clicking on the column headings.


Click the funnel icon to open the filter menu, where you can filter by establishment name, permit number, status, owner name, business address, date created, expiry date, effective date, or any custom properties you have.


To filter by a custom property, select Add custom filter > Add filter by custom property. Select the FSE permit property you wish to filter by from the pop-up menu.


There are three different filter options for custom property filters:

  1. i) filter permits by if the selected permit property value is known
    ii) filter permits by if the selected permit property value is unknown
    iii) filter permits that match an inputted value for the selected permit property

Select your option and click the green Add button.

You will see the filter listed at the bottom of the search form. Apply any other filters you wish and then select Apply.

Note: The ‘Apply’ button must be clicked in order to search by the property.

New Filter Option - Filtering by FSE Permit Status

Printing and Emailing FSE Permits

When viewing a permit through clicking on the blue permit number, you may save a permit as a PDF. Select the printer icon at the top of the permit and follow the prompt to save file locally. Then you may print or share.


To email a permit, select the mail icon and a modal will pop up to select contacts. This defaults to all contacts on the account, and these may be deleted by pressing the backspace or delete key, or new contacts may be added by typing their name and selecting the correct contact. Once you've chosen the contacts you'd like to send the permit to, click Send.


Bulk Printing FSE Permits

You can print 50-100 FSE permits at a time by follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Permits tab, and filter the table for the permits you're hoping to print.

  2. Click Actions, and then Bulk Print.

  3. You will be directed to a print screen where you can choose to send them directly to yor printer, or save them as a PDF.

Deleting an FSE Permit

FSE permits can be deleted either by clicking on the 'Establishments' or the 'Permits' tab.

To delete a permit from the 'Permits' tab, search for and find the permit you want to delete.

Click on the blue Number of the permit, click Edit and select the red Delete button. You'll be asked to confirm this action, and remember that deleting a permit is final.


To delete a permit from an establishment's profile, click on the 'Establishments' tab and locate the establishment whose permit you want to delete.

Select the 'Permits' tab in the establishment's activity feed.

Click on the blue Number of the permit, click Edit and select the red Delete button. You'll be asked to confirm this action, and remember that deleting a permit is final.

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