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Managing Yellow Grease Records
Updated over 2 months ago

Access: City Regulators

Overview: How to add, edit, delete and filter yellow grease records.


Adding a Yellow Grease Record

To add a yellow grease record to a specific establishment, within an establishment's profile, on the top navigation bar click the ‘New yellow grease’ tab. Complete the form and attach any files you need to, then click Save.


Alternatively, click the 'Pump outs' tab from the main navigation bar, select the 'Yellow Grease' tab and click Add yellow grease record. Complete the form and then click Save.


Editing or Deleting a Yellow Grease Record

Yellow grease records are editable by clicking the 'Pump outs' tab from the main navigation bar, selecting the 'Yellow Grease' tab and clicking the blue establishment name. This will open the yellow grease form to edit, and click Save once finished.


Sorting Yellow Grease Records

Select the 'Pump outs’ tab from the navigation bar and select the 'Yellow grease' tab' to view a list of all yellow grease records.

Search by establishment name and hit Enter.

The list of yellow grease records can be sorted by establishment name, address, service provider, serviced on date and updated at date by clicking on the column headings.


Filtering Yellow Grease Records

Select the 'Pump outs’ tab from the navigation bar and select the 'Yellow grease' tab' to view a list of all yellow grease records.

Click the funnel icon to open the filter menu, where you can filter by establishment name, provider, matched status and serviced on date:



Type part or a full establishment name.


Type part or a full provider name.


Select All, Unmatched, or Matched yellow grease services only from the dropdown box. Matched means they are linked to a specific service provider. Unmatched means there is not a specific service provider, which could be due to typo errors or the service provider does not exist in the system.

Serviced on

Choose the date parameters you want to view yellow grease records for.

You can also filter by any custom yellow grease property. To do this, select Add custom filter > Add filter by custom property. Select the yellow grease property you wish to filter by from the menu that pops up.


There are three different filter options for custom property filters:
i) filter contacts by if the selected contact property value is known
ii) filter contacts by if the selected contact property value is unknown
iii) filter contacts that match an inputted value for the selected contact property

Select your option and click Add.

You will the see the filter listed at the bottom of the search form. Apply any other filters you wish and then select the blue ‘Apply’ button.

You can save any custom property filters by following the advice in the knowledge base article Saving Search Filters.

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