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Customers: Notifications
Updated over 11 months ago

Notifications alert you when different activities occur on your account. For example, if you have requested a quote from a supplier, you will be notified here when they submit a price for review.

You can access your notifications by clicking the bell icon in the header navigation. All of your unread notifications will be displayed here. Click View all to see your notification history.

Viewing your notifications


You can also view your notifications by clicking 'Settings' under the button at the top right of your header. On the settings page, click the notifications tab, and you will see your notification history. Click on any of the notifications to view the full details.


Types of notifications

Receiving and Accepting Quotes

You will be notified when a supplier provides a quote for your service request. You can view the full details and accept or decline by clicking on the notification.


If you decline the quote, we will notify the provider. On the other hand, if you are happy to proceed and accept the bid, we will send your contact details to the provider.
They will then perform the service and mark the order as complete when finished. We will notify you when this happens, and you will be able to leave a review on the provider's public profile if you would like to do so.

Jump to the Completed Orders section for more help with this.


We will notify you when a supplier sends you a direct message through the app. Click on the notification and scroll down to the message history underneath the quote request information to view the message.

You can reply by typing your response in the chatbox and clicking the blue send arrow.


Completed Orders

You will also receive a notification when your supplier marks a job as complete. You can then click on the notification to leave feedback.

To do so, click the green Leave feedback button.


You'll then be prompted to rate the service out of 5 stars on various aspects, and you'll be able to provide written feedback too. When finished, click Post review.

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