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Managing Your Notifications
Updated over 11 months ago

Notifications alert you when different activities occur on your account. You can access your notifications by clicking the bell icon. Select View all to see your notification history.


You can also view your notifications by clicking 'Settings' under the button at the top right of your header.


Types of notifications

Your notifications include new quote requests, messages from prospects, and updates on whether your quote has been declined or accepted.

  • New quote requests
    You'll get a notification when a business in your radius requests a quote. You can prepare a service quote in a couple of clicks or reach out to the prospect for more information through SwiftWorks messaging.

  • Prospect accepts your quote
    You'll get a notification when a prospect accepts your quote. Once you complete the service, you can click on the notification to mark the order as complete.

  • Prospect rejects your quote
    You'll get a notification if a customer declines your quote. If you click into the notification, you can view the customer's request and the quote you submitted.

  • In-app message
    If a customer reaches out to you or responds to your message, you will be also be notified here.

To view the details of any notification, click on it. It will change from 'new' to 'read'.

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