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Submitting a Compliance Report
Updated over 11 months ago

You can submit a compliance report for a customer from various sections of SwiftWorks. In this article, we're going to submit a report from the 'Customers' section.

Note: You need to request compliance reporting for each customer and this needs to have been approved by us before you can start reporting manifests. See the article below for help with this:

If you're in the 'Compliance' section of SwiftWorks, check out the help article Navigating Customer Compliance to see how to get a customer's profile and submit a report from there. Then, follow the same steps outlined in this article.

First, navigate to the 'Customers' section from the top navigation bar.


Find your customer in the customer list by searching for them or using the filter panel on the left to filter your customers. For help with navigating your customer list, head over to the following article:

Click into the customer's profile and under 'Locations' and 'Compliance', select New report.

This will take you to another page, and on the right hand side under 'Compliance Reporting', click the flashing green button Submit report.


You'll be prompted to complete a form with details about the service. If a customer has multiple grease traps, you'll need to choose which trap was pumped and submit a report for each service.

Once you've completed the form, click Save & Send.

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