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Adding New Customers
Updated over 11 months ago

You are able to bulk import a list of customers, and add new customers individually as and when needed.

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Adding New Customers

To add a new customer, navigate to the 'Customers' section using the top navigation bar. From there, click the Add Customer button. It will automatically redirect you to the customer information form.


Start by typing the name and address of your customer (you can also type in their zip code if you have it on file). If their business is listed on Google, we will autocomplete their location details. Next, add your customer name, email, and number along with any notes.


Complete the form about the service location. If the service location is different from the customer's address, leave the toggle grey and start typing the location.


If the service address is the same as the customer's address, click the toggle so that it turns green. Then give the location a name.


In the next section, you can add equipment and contacts to the customer profile. Adding equipment now will save you time when uploading compliance reports in the future. If you are dealing with multiple contacts, it is also helpful to record their information and role here.


Adding Equipment

Click the plus sign in the equipment section. This will launch a pop-form to fill out.

In the form, name the grease control device, choose the type of device and add any essential notes like location or accessibility. You can also attach photos here by clicking the plus sign. Once finished, click Add to the list.


Note: Equipment must be added to report compliance for a customer.

Adding Contacts

To add a contact, click the plus sign in the contacts section. Again this will launch a pop-up form to fill out. Here you can include contact details of their role in the business. Once you have added their details, click add to list to save them to this customer profile.


If you would like to remove a device or a contact for any reason, hover over their record and click the trash can icon.


Once you have added in all of the information you want for this customer, click Save, and you will be redirected to their newly created profile. From there, you can request that your regulator confirms the customer info you added (see below), and once approved you'll be able to submit compliance reports directly to the city database.

Importing Customers

To import a list of customers, navigate to the 'Customers' section using the top navigation bar. From there, scroll down and click Import Customers on the bottom left.


A pop up will appear to guide you through the process.

Download the CSV file by clicking on the floppy disk icon. This file contains instructions and a template you can use.


Once you have your completed .csv file of customers, click Select a file to upload it from your computer. Click Start import to import the customer list.


If there are any errors with the file, these will be shown below. You'll then be able to fix them and reupload the file.

Click Finish to finish the import. You'll be taken back to your 'Customers' page with your list of imported customers.


Requesting Compliance Reporting

Before you can start submitting compliance reports for your customers, you need to request to report for them.

Once you've added the customer, it will show that compliance is not being reported. To request compliance, click Request next to 'Compliance not reported'.


This will take you to a page with the location's details - on the right, there is a section labelled 'Compliance reporting' and a green light will be flashing on the Request button under 'Pump out'. Click Request.

If you've added equipment to the location, a menu will pop up confirming the city you're requesting to report to and the equipment you'd like to report for. Click Submit to confirm.


If the customer has more than one grease trap, you'll need to select which trap you'd like to request for before clicking Submit.


Once confirmed, you'll then be able to navigate back over to the 'Compliance reporting' section on the right, click the dropdown arrow under 'Pump out' and request to report for the other device(s). The trap will be automatically selected if there are only two; if the customer has more than two you'll need to select the device and click Submit, then repeat these steps for all traps.


If you haven't yet added any equipment, you will need to do so before requesting compliance reporting. A pop-up will appear reminding you to do so. Follow the steps above to add equipment.


Once your request to report compliance for this establishment has been approved by us, you'll receive an email and can begin reporting manifests!

You can also edit any information at a later stage or archive a customer if they are no longer part of your list.

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