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Adding GCDs to pump outs
Updated over 11 months ago

In this Article:

Entering a Pump Out:

When entering pump outs you will now be required to select a grease control device from the establishments list of grease control devices (GCDs). The pump out form will prompt you to select from the establishment's existing GCDs. If a GCD is not selected the system will not allow the pump out to be submitted.


The dropdown list of GCDs will display the name, type, and capacity of each GCD. If there is only one GCD attached to an establishment the pump out form will default to that GCD. If an establishment has multiple GCDs one must be selected from the dropdown, the system will not default to a specific GCD.


Establishments with no listed GCD have been pre-populated with a default 0 gallon GCD. The system will default to that 0 gallon GCD when entering a pump out. The default GCDs will all be created with the following specifics:

Name: Same as Establishment
​Category: Default
​Location: Inside
​Capacity: 0 Gallons


What if an establishment has no GCDs?

It is now required that a GCD be attached to a pump out in order for it to be submitted. If an establishment has no listed GCD you will need to either contact the city to update the establishment record, or email us at and we will add a default, 0 gallon GCD to that establishment so you can complete the pump out.

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