Access: City Regulators
Overview: How to add, delete, search for and export service providers.
Adding a Service Provider
To add a service provider, click the 'Providers' tab from the homepage. Click the green button on the right labeled Add provider.
Fill out the form. Check the Display on Establishment Profile box if this provider is approved to be listed on establishments' online profile pages. If this box is not checked, this provider will not appear on the homepage for establishments. Click the green Save button to add the new provider.
For a video breakdown on using digitally approved service providers in your area, watch below:
Searching for a Service Provider
Navigate to the 'Providers' tab from your homepage. Search by provider name and hit Enter, or select them from the list.
Click the funnel icon to open the filter menu, where you can filter by name, date created, or any custom properties you have.
The list of providers can be sorted by name, number of pump outs, and date updated at by clicking on the column headings.
Viewing a Provider's Pump Out History
To view the pump outs performed by a provider, first navigate to the 'Provider' tab from the main dashboard. Click on or search for the provider whose pump out history you would like to view. Once viewing the provider's information page, scroll down to the activity feed and select the 'Pump outs' tab to view their pump out history.
Exporting a List of Service Providers
Navigate to the 'Providers' page, click Actions and select Export. Select the information you would like to be exported, then click Export. The file will download as a .csv file.
Merging Service Providers
If you have duplicate providers in the system that you would like to merge, you can do so by clicking 'Actions' and 'Merge' on the hauler that you would like to keep.
Start typing in the name of the hauler that you want to merge into the current one, select it from the dropdown menu and click Save.
All the pump out data will then be moved over to the hauler that you kept.
Deleting a Service Provider
Navigate to the 'Provider' tab and click on or search for the provider you wish to delete. On their profile page, click on the 'Actions' tab, and select Delete. You will be asked to confirm the action. Once confirmed, the provider will be deleted.