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Single Sign On- Set-Up
Updated over 9 months ago

Access: IT Departments

Overview: Standard steps for setting up single sign-on access to SwiftComply Backflow via ADFS

What SwiftComply needs from the water organization

Steps the water organization needs to take

Part 1: ADFS - Relying Party Trusts

  • On the ADFS Server, navigate to Relying Party Trusts.

  • Click Add Relying Party Trust from the Actions sidebar. Ensure Claims Aware is selected.

  • On the Select Data Source screen, select the first option and copy your organization's SwiftComply Backflow URL into the Federation metadata address field. This will follow the following format: A member of the SwiftComply team will provide you with the hostname, but please note that it cannot be tested until your production environment is live.

  • Select Next, Next, Next, and Close (if you need to set anything else here that's up to you).

  • The Claims issuance policy should open next; if not, click Edit Claim Issuance Policy. (Instructions continued below)

Part 2: ADFS - Creating Claim Rules

  • Select Add Rule.

  • Select Send LDAP Attributes as Claims, then click Next.

  • Create the Claim rule name (up to you).

  • Select Active Directory as your attribute store, and:

    • From the LDAP Attribute column, select E-Mail Addresses.

    • From the Outgoing Claim Type, select E-Mail Address.

  • Click OK to save the rule.

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