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Dashboard Widget Guide
Updated over 11 months ago

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Dashboard Widget Guide:

Widgets can be dragged and dropped in any place on your new dashboard. Once you're ready to add a second widget the system will automatically ask you to save your layout changes as you go. Saving your current layout will be required to add new widgets to your dashboard.

Below is a list of our widgets and their unique settings available to you to customize your dashboard to your specific needs.

Chart Widget:

The Chart option allows you to select from existing reports within your system. This can include Assembly Compliance Rate, Backflow Assemblies Replaced, Compliance Distribution Charts, and much more.


Once you have selected a report for your chart a new window will open up prompting you to create a title for your chart and select a Chart Type. You can choose from a bar, donut, gauge, or pie graph. Some reports will require additional filters, such as custom date ranges.


Once you have created the chart and selected a chart type select the green "Set Widget" to add this widget to your new dashboard.

** Some reports can only be created using one of 3 types of Bar widgets. For example, Assembly Compliance Rate can only be displayed using the gauge chart type.

The Chart Type & Settings:

Bar Chart :

Bar graphs summarize a large data set in visual form and clarify trends better than tables. In our example below we are using the "Assembly Type Distribution" as our report.


Within your Bar graph settings, there is going to be a filter check box. Checking and unchecking this box will display information on active assemblies(checked) vs inactive assemblies(checked).


Donut Chart:

A donut chart shows the relationship of parts to a whole, but a donut chart can contain more than one data series. The donut chart below shows the same data set as the Bar chart above.


Like the bar chart above, there is only one setting to check for Donut chars, the filter box. Checking and unchecking this box will display information on active assemblies(checked) vs inactive assemblies(checked).


Pie Chart:

The Pie chart enables the audience to see a data comparison at a glance to make an immediate analysis or to understand information quickly.


Like the Bar and Donut charts above, the filter check box is the only setting you can adjust to your needs.

Guages Chart:

A Gauge Chart shows the minimum, the maximum, and the current value depicting how far from the maximum you are. In Swiftcomply, the maximum and minimum values are represented as date ranges.

** Only a few chart reports have the option to be presented on a gauge graph.

In our example below we decided to use Assembly Compliance Rate as our selected report as Assembly Type Distribution could not be presented on a gauge chart.


The gauge chart has unique filter settings compared to other charts. The Begin and End dates can be used to narrow your data to a specific date range if you would like to focus on two specific points in time.


The timeframe setting allows you to focus on yearly or monthly compliance. In our example, we focused on yearly compliance for the current year.

**Leaving this field blank will auto-default to the current month's data.

Table Widget:

A table chart is a means of arranging data in rows and columns.


The table chart is organized in columns and you are in full control over which data shows in each column and the number of columns you wish to include.


The Table's charts are also unique as they are equipped with a search table. The options available in this table are in relation to the selected report you wish to display.


Lastly, you will discover that some table reports have similar filter options like options available in Charts while others have none. Select and use the filters to further adjust your data to the specifics you wish to display.

Text Widget:

The Text Widget allows you to display simple counts and numbers in an easy-to-read text format. It can only display one value at a time.


The month offset is a unique filter option available in Text widgets. Adding a value to this field will allow your widget to pull data from previous months. For example, a month offset of 2 in the month of June, will pull data from April.


Webpage Widget

The webpage widget allows you to embed a website link to your custom dashboard.


The website URL MUST be valid in iframe format. Any other URL page will not display on the website widget.

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