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Auto Accept Targeting Rules
Updated over 12 months ago

Auto Accept Targeting Rules

Additional criteria for Auto Accept can be set up for any field in the Location and/or Assembly record that has a specific, defined input using Targeting Rules.

Targeting Rules are established by Form Type such as: Backflow Assembly Test and/or Backflow Assembly Location Survey. Then, targeting criteria for the Type and Rules.

Targeting criteria needs to be on the Location or Assembly Record and must have a specific defined input such as: Checkbox, Radio button, and/or Dropdown list. Time frames or free-form text fields cannot be selected for targeting, with the exception of the default comment field.

Targeting Rules across records (Location/Assembly triggers) are not cumulative. The first setting trigger will block auto accept.

  • E.g. if a trigger is set to disable “Zoning = Commercial” and another trigger to disable “Hazard Type = High”, either of these will block auto accept. This means, all commercials will not auto accept and all high hazards will not auto accept.

To target auto accept for only one criteria in a specific field instead of excluding multiple criteria, you can request to only include a specific property type with your requested rule.

  • E.g. Set a trigger to enable auto accept to include only “Zoning = Residential”

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