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Auto Accept Settings Options
Updated over 12 months ago

Auto Accept Settings Options

Organizations can request to set up Auto Accept Settings to meet specific requirements that will enable auto accept for all or specific users.

The Default settings will accept passing tests/surveys with no discrepancies for all users. However, additional criteria can be set up for any field in the Location and/or Assembly record that has a specific, defined input. See Auto Accept Targeting Rules for details.

Settings are established by Form Type such as: Backflow Assembly Test and/or Backflow Assembly Location Survey

There are three settings criteria: Enabled, User Default, and Disable if Comments.

  • Enabled - “true” means Auto Accept has been turned on

    • This feature assumes it must be a passing test and zero discrepancies (e.g. tester didn’t change Assembly/Location pre-populated data in the report)

  • User Default is the setting applied for all Users/SPs?

    • "True" means all users automatically have auto-accept enabled and it must be deactivated user by user

    • "False" means all users do not have auto-accept enabled, and it must be turned on user by user.

      • NOTE: all users means ALL users, both Org and SP Users.

  • Disable if Comments - when enabled, if ANY comments exist anywhere in the test report or in the test report record (the notes field on the details page) it will block auto accept.

  • Disable if Needs Review - when enabled, if ANY location or assembly needs review then it will block auto accept. These locations and assemblies will appear in the Notifications Tab.

  • Disable if Inactive - when enabled, if ANY assembly is inactive it will block auto accept.

*Note: criteria are turned on/off using true/false. True means “yes/on” false means “no/off”.

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