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What subscription plans do you offer?
Updated over a week ago

We offer a variety of monthly subscriptions suitable for a range of business sizes. You can visit to view the different plans.

If you would like to trial the system before subscribing to a paid plan, you can sign up for a free account, which will allow you to bid on jobs and win new customers but with limited functionality. All jobs booked on the free account are subject to a 9% nominal fee.


  • $0/month

  • For new businesses just starting out

  • Connect with new customers and only pay a 9% nominal fee when you win business (plus 3.5% for credit cards)


  • $49/month

  • Ideal for small teams that want to grow their business

  • Connect with up to 10 new customers every month


  • $259/month

  • Ideal for growing companies that want to have more requests

  • Connect with up to 50 new customers every month


  • $1000/month

  • Ideal for large businesses that want to streamline handling numerous requests

  • Connect with up to 200 new customers every month

Your subscription is billed every month, so you can cancel your plan at any time, and we will deactivate your subscription within 30 days at the end of the billing period. You can quickly upgrade or downgrade your subscription at any time from your SwiftWorks settings page. Check out this article for help with changing your subscription: Settings.

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